Item from the Archive – Diary from A Stranded Scout

In July of 1914, the MGS Scouts embarked on a trek in France. The plan was to travel south via Paris to the Auvergne region. The timing was unfortunate, with the boys still in France when war was declared in August. In fact, on 28th July, when Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated, MGS Scouts were boarding a train bound for London on the first day of their trek. To learn more about what happened, follow this link

One of the trekkers, Ernest Holden (OM 1905 – 09), kept a diary which makes fascinating reading. To read a transcript follow this link: 

Front of the Trekking Diary

Ernest Holden went on to serve in the Great War with the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. He died from shock after having both legs amputated.

Modern Upper Fourth form, 1908 – 9 – Ernest Holden is fourth from left, middle row

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