Then and Now

It’s always interesting to compare photographs of the school grounds and buildings and see what has changed. Comparisons between school facilities in Long Millgate and Old Hall Lane are also worth looking at. Here are some examples:

The Common Room – clockwise from top left: 1955, 1987, present day

The Dining Room/Refectory – left 1910, middle 1954, right present day

The Theatre – clockwise from top left: Long Millgate theatre 1910, old MGS theatre 1950, old MGS theatre 2009, New theatre present day

The Driveway – Left 1931, Right 2022

Assemblies in the Memorial Hall – Clockwise from top left – Assembly at Long Millgate 1910, Memorial Hall Assembly 1950, Memorial Hall Assembly 1990, Covid-secure assembly over zoom 2020

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