The MGS Corridors

The corridors at MGS with their distinctive green tiles often stay in the memory long after a pupil has left the School. They are a part of the School that has not changed much since 1931, and are instantly recognised by visiting Old Mancunians. Here is a selection of photographs from across the decades of these corridors – the boys, the posters, the staff have all changed, the tiles…not so much!

These photographs were taken by Gilbert Roscoe (OM 1953 – 61):

An informal shot of Eric James on the High Master’s corridor. Can anyone identify the other member of staff?

A similar shot, taken a touch earlier in the 1940s shows the paintings on the wall:

This photograph, courtesy of Dave Harris (1965 – 1971) was taken in the 1960s, showing the corridor near the Refectory:

This photograph shows the High Master’s corridor in the 1980s:

The below photograph dates to 2014, and was used on the reverse cover of “MGS: A History at 500” which was published to celebrate the School’s quincentenary in 2015:

Here are some photographs from the recent years:

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